Crikey......... hahahahaaFormer PM Malcolm Fraser says it is "privatisation gone mad". But when it comes to privatising iconic Australian assets, the current Snowy Hydro debate is surely the tip of the icon. Once the government completes its sale of the Snowy, the rest of Telstra and Medibank Private later this year, the opportunities are overflowing for a really innovative cash-for-icons programme. Here's a further slate of highly attractive iconic assets:
Australia Post: Iconic Australian monopoly business with extensive retail network, large bike inventory, potentially great billpay system, and even further revenue opportunities for featuring B-Grade celebrities on limited-edition stamps.
Parliament House: Hot air tours are just one of the commercial opportunities afforded by this iconic national parliamentary edifice in which no expense has been spared in construction and fit-out. Generous lease back agreement subject to negotiation with vendor.
Australian Institute of Sport: Developing the iconic prowess and moral fibre of the next crop of Australian athletes, there is considerable revenue potential for HECS-style scheme. Excellent sponsorship potential from breakfast cereal and condom companies.
Australian Electoral Commission: Independent democracy administration service. Excellent cost saving available from streamlining operations and reducing electorates and politicians. Unstable but iconic Pacific region also offers growth potential.
Sydney Harbour: Stunning views, plethora of fish, steady stream of water traffic, iconic harbourside real estate. Ripe for further development, above and below the waterline.
Sydney Opera House: Architectural icon superbly situated for commercial exploitation. Major merchandising opportunities, including licensing of logos and images, available for an innovative owner. Large outdoor advertising space also accessible.
Great Ocean Road: Iconic ocean-hugging roadway with major tolling potential and other opportunistic tourism revenue opportunities.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Bloated and left-leaning broadcasting icon with enormous potential for rationalisation and depoliticising.
In other words, enough iconic assets to keep the federal Budget in surplus for decades.