Monday, August 28, 2006

and im coming home
i’m coming home
to make it alright
so dry your eyes


Friday, August 25, 2006

Apple on their exploding batteries

The batteries that have been exploding, catching fire and otherwise raising hell apparently "do not meet Apple's standards for safety and performance"

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Muppet Show - Swedish Chef - making chocolat moose


Friday, August 11, 2006

If anyone wants a taxi call flinders st station... they've got a few.
Muppet Show - Swedish Chef - making cake

Cat Stevens!!

From 1971! It has Dr Seuss characters!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

are we generation x? generation y? the ipod generation? myspace... napster... mobile phone... msn generations?

I'm confused

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I saw the editorial in the Herald Sun the other day........ it suggested that the federal govt should cut the petrol excise..... BRILLIANT!!! THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T READ THE HERALD SUN COS YOU GET FUCKING STUPID!!!

Scary thing was... they were actually serious! To cut a measley 10c off the per litre price of petrol at the pump would cost a staggering 3billion dollars and cut the budget surplus by a third!

The other, arguably worse, effect would be to relax the price incentive to move away from petrol. Petrol is cheap...... and it always has been, the fact that it's going up is a signal from the market that it's going to be harder to find from now on. The idea should be that we start looking for alternatives but according to the Hun it just means that the govt should subsidise our addiction to middle east oil!

Thankfully, both the federal govt and the opposition understand this and wont be following the Hun's advice.

That message again........... The Hun is terrible. It's use should be confined to covering the bottom of birds cages and wrapping up broken glass....

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What the hell is going on up there in Sydney??

crazy people....
The Israeli's have gone too far now! Lebanon has withdrawn from their matches with the Socceroo's in the Asian Cup qualifiers because of the war.

Doesn't everyone realise it's a lot more fun not being in a war?? Who cares what religion other people are........ why shoot rockets at each other?? Just do what Australia does and beat everyone on the sporting field!!!