Me looking cold behind the White House. I was amazed that they are still allowing planes to take off and bank really close to the White House and all the important stuff in Washington DC.

Me looking cold in front of the Washington monument. Washington DC reminds me a lot of Canberra. Everything is so planned out in this city. There are a lot of straight lines and planned streets. The washington monument is the centre of a cross made out of the US Capitol, the White House and the Lincoln memorial. Also, no building is allowed to be taller than the Capitol building so it's very low-lying like Canberra. Plus there are all the important gallerys and museums and things like the Supreme Court.

US Capitol

The front of the White House with the 'National Christmas Tree'. It's a tradition that's been going on for around 100 years. There is the main christmas tree which is lit by the President. Then there are 50 small trees, 1 for each state which are decorated by scout groups/ schools etc.

The best thing about Washington is the Smithsonian Institute. It is a collection of about 18 museums, all free to the public (unusual here) with some of the best exhibits in the world. There are museums on everything. This shot is of the legendary Blackbird which is a really cool plane which was so fast it could outrun soviet missiles launched at it! It's housed at the Air and Space Museum. They also had a Concorde from Air France which was great to see in person.

Looking from the Lincoln memorial to the Washington monument.... Lincoln was getting a facelift so I didn't bother to put up the photo of him with scaffolding around him!