Went to Universal Florida in Orlando yesterday! The university organised the trip so it only cost $10 to get all the way to Orlando (4 or 5 hour bus ride!) admission to the park, snacks and ride home! We went to Shrek 4D which was fantastic...... things were leaping out of the screen at us and the seats moved with the film and we got sprayed with stuff when Donkey sneezed on screen!! And when the spiders came into the movie there were jets of air that shot at your legs and were very realistic! It was hilarious! Mum would have hated the spider part! :) The best part was being bounced along behind a frog!!!
I went on the 'Revenge of the Mummy' rollercoaster..... it is an indoor ride mostly in the dark so you can't really see too much of where you're going except for random flashes of light..... The worst part was rolling backwards at the start and when we stopped at a wall.... when it opened Mariano (Mexico) pointed at the track ahead, I tried to see where it went but it was too steep!! it disappeared downwards! argh!
We also went to 'Twister' which was a pretty convincing tornado simulation complete with flying cow and the truck out of the film. Went to Men in Black, where we got spun around in a vehicle and tried to shoot aliens! Back to the Future was a cute ride, like one of those simulators that looks like a monorail carriage, but it looks pretty old now, the graphics were a bit ordinary!

The park had this massive set at the back of New York... Very realistic, until you remember that you are in Florida not the Big Apple. I will try and get the same photo at the real thing!

Madagascar Pengiuns!!! They were great fun and did a rap dance at the end of the day. I will try and post the film I took of them.
How Fun!
How Fun!
How FUN!
Did you buy any souvenirs ?
hehehe no I didn't buy any.... but I had good opportunities to! Every time you finished a ride they would push you through the gift shop on the way out!!
I'm going to order a pin from the web for my collection. The prices in the park were extortionate!
one day i should go to Universal studios osaka. but im not sure i wanna be crammed in with that many people at once again. aichi expo all over again!
Pengies! hehehe....so cute! I saw that movie right before I left...how odd! Seems so long ago! $10 is the best deal I have ever heard of and even better that it is not in Euros! 'The Mummy' sounds fun! IS this your 2nd time on a roller coaster? lol :-p We you go to New York tell me if it is like the set! NY as this undescriable atmosphere which I can't see in the set...tell me what yout think when you get there!!!
My brain is going mushy.....no more Portugal I say! No more! It raining here now! This morning it was BEAUTIFUL! A bit summery but now...Lyon is a bit like Melbourne in that respect! =) Bonne Chance/Good Luck with your uni work!
Whats crackin? I kno i kno i still havent called lately. I am gonna make a big effort to on Tuesday after bball, if my 2 second memory allows it haha.
For Craig's bday we had a dress up party, probably not as cool as your white trash party but still pretty funny all the same.
I was a P.E. teacher and sares was my Student that I taught extra correcular activites, funkes was a bum in a trolly, jase had a scooby outfit and cashin was a terrorist. Sares brother and funkes sares dad were in army/cammo gear!! there were lots others from the maid to the man from snowy river!
This time of year is awesome, for a couple reasons, petrol os hovering around the dollar ten mark and the weather is cranking up, and there is like only 3 weeks till we hit QLD!!!!
All sorts of crazyness goin on.
And being the scientific knowledgeable clever engineery typa bloke you are I thought that this section I saw of brainiac (scientific type myth buster type show). They emptied a pool and filled it with custard. The guy then walked on the custard without sinking!!!! WOW and then after a lap of two around the pool walking on the top he stopped. Then he sank. Then he couldn't get out haha
Anyways I hope all is well speak to ya tuesday!
Take care,
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