Friday, June 17, 2005

Welcome to the monkey house

I'm very excited because I finished my last exam today (of 5)..... About time too, I was getting very sick of memorising silly 'models' about how to motivate and lead people. After doing 5 Commerce exams I don't think I've ever done so much writing. Engineering exams are quite relaxing in comparison. I was starting to get pains in my thumb from the punishment of 3.5 hour exams! They might as well put the class in an isolated room and let us 'write to the death' survivor style to see who can bullshit the longest.

I've finally got my I-20 which is the holy grail if you want to actually get into the USA instead of just going for a flight to LA and being deported back home! I go to my Visa interview on Monday where it is forseen that I will get my Visa and be ready to go!

Special shout out to any people still doing exams, shame about that, I'm going to the pub now.

End of exam party at the Hawthorn tonight!! rah!

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