First home game today against Colorado, we won by a mile and it was lots of fun with the cheerleaders and big band playing and of course Sebastian!

It's a great game, just takes a while to play. Today's game took 4hours.... the actual game time is 1 hour.

Hooters in Coconut Grove. To get a top for Salina!

Looking a bit tired last night under the cool Forster's sign while watching the AFL final which started at 12:30am....

1 comment:
GO THA SWANS!!!! gotta love a bandwagoner :P good match! hope you sunk some aussi beer for us dave, go knows we did :-o
Missed havin ya round for the big day! and when I say big day I mean BIG, argh.
Friday, ment to be a quite night, ended up at edgy after a couple vodka shots, then to playhouse but wasn't feeling to good (tummy bug) so I watched all the pissed people carvin it up and ate nachos with funkes. When I got home it went down hill, the tummy bug ended up attacking the porcelain if you know what I mean haha ANNNNYYwwwaaayyy Sat we went to timmys new pad and had only a couple, then to luke's where there was a fire out back lots of people drinking and whatmo ripping mono's on the dirt bike as far as the eye could see. NUT CASE but funny as, but no so funny coz he had no protective gear on and was doing it at a fair speed on the road after a couple drinks :-o
anywho it then shifted to top gear and me doing my duty of driving 5 pissed people in my car to my house then to funkes/cashins then to timmy's to pick him up then to franga banga for nina's 22nd pre drinks at her place then the fun began and we ventured into franga its self!
The crew of Me, Sares, Cam, Timmy, Cashin, Craig, Funkes, Sares and Lauren.
always interesting. everyone went to 21st but that place is a hole and all the pubs had a line so me and sares scaled the balcony at daveys and went in there (lines and door fees are over rated haha).
After a drink or 2 I was still pretty much sober, weird feeling for me hehe. The people we knew that were in Davey's were leavin so we taxied with them. One problem, sares was very pissed, and at the taxi rank in franga was hurling "Ya fat F*#$" at people that got a hiace taxi van thing and only one person got in. wasn't too bad coz she didn't say it loud enough for anybody to really hear it, but she got the guy in front of us saying it to lol.
anyways we went back to my car and I drove some people home and dropped bags off and then we picked up funkes sares and craig in franga and retreated to sares place.
Where we has pasta and toast with cream cheese. The menu in which was written on a piece of paper read as follows:
Entree - Porcelain plate $4.72
Main - Pile of tuna tales $6.40
Dessert - Jelly $786.49
Only one option for each course and what a bargain.
Yes in case you ask we are knob heads. Anyhow apart from that we crashed into bed. The next day consisted of trying to get the battery out of the VQ to charge it! pain in the arse it has gone flat! yep still havent sold it! and sunday night then consisted of pizza and drinking in the spa. followed by watching Team America. Geeze I love that movie!
"The terrorist is trying to say somthing" "It's me, it's me" "I think he is saying kiss me, kiss me" "Smart arse mother f%#$ker".
anyway seeming this post is gonna take up 3 pages I am gonna bail and I will call you as soon as I get a chance!
take care mate,
missin my drinkin pal!
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