The southern-most point in the USA, right at the end of Key West.... The hurricane damaged the sign so all that marks the point now is the buoy (pronounced BOY NOT BUUEEIE)

Apparently 'World Famous' it must be cos it says so.... so I obviously had to take a photo!


The water is even more beautiful in Florida after a hurricane because of the sand and stuff being churned up in the water which does something good with reflection of light to make that awesome turquoise colour. (notice continual use of 'u' in colour...)

Everyone in Key West is so laid back... Mr Cheapee's liquor and stuff!

Us with random people in the 'Green Parrot' the local watering hole.

These people are so resilient. They are persistant and never let the storms wreck their life. They are also the nicest community of people around, so welcoming and everyone here has a smile on their face. Could be something to do with living at the end of a string of islands near the equator.....

We participated in another great American (or Floridian) tradition.... queuing for petrol!
The problem after a hurricane is that while there is plenty of fuel in the underground tanks, no-one has any power to pump it with! This line took at least 1.5hours.... might have been more but we had a fantastic time, we played frisbee and drank some beer while waiting.

We were lucky that we made it to the station. We drove from home to 10km's out of Key Largo with the fuel light on which was really pushing our luck. We pushed the car down the line cos we couldn't be bothered turning the car on every 5minutes to move it. As we came into the station Sam turned the car on to pull up to the pump and we ran out of gas..... as I said, extremely lucky!