Chloe's new house. Suprisingly not while drunk.

On our boat out to the reef off Key Largo.

Today we got taken on a trip by the residence hall people out to Key Largo. We went snorkling on the reef around an old shipwreck. It was great fun, we saw a Barracuda showing off his lovely big teeth and heaps of small tropical colourful fish. The visability was fantastic and made me even more keen to get my scuba certification. There were scuba divers around when we were there, checking the wreck out up close!

Tonight we had a ghetto/white trash party, this is the aftermath in the hallway outside my room! Note the sleeper! hehe
every picture you send us there is new people in it!! Typical dave able to make friends easier than most of us do dollars.
Good to see you not missing all us too much. :)
Diving would be awesome, I cant do it coz of my asthma and therfor buggered lung capacity. But if I wasn't so lazy I could improve that! one day one day.
SO in saying that you must go diving and get photos and stuff!
Ok this weekend reminded me of some good old times. Remember many occasions wandering the streets?!?!? haha the stories....
Anyways we were at Funkes/Sares/Cashin/Criag's doing as we do best, drinking.
We were all sitting around with a big lacking of outdoor chairage.
So what do you do in this instance? GO SHOPPING. Twas a comfortable night in a secret location somewhere deep in the heart of Cheltenham, (in between warrigul rd and 50 acres and, Centre dandy and farm rd).
With a clan of 5 on the first round we set out. Funkes located a shopping trolly and we went shopping. You may be asking shopping in residential in Cheltenham with Jase Funkes and myself starting the voyage, thats right sportsfans the HARD RUBBISH COLLECTION! haha The coles trolly dis-embarked and not long after we found ourselves with Stu and Craigers in toe. The fab 5 went shopping. The course in which we traveled ended up with many usable goods. Small kiddy chairs made of wood, porcelain sugar pot, carpet lined trolly, tables, a working ryobi drill with charger, V6 Intake box and pipe, sunlounges, chairs, a little plastic kids car with a horn that funkes drove for ages but kept the horn even after the car me its demise.
The first eagle landed home and then there were more tag alongs and the second voyage was under way. This resulted in a massive haul of 6 plastic outdoor chairs, tables and a lot of other random goods all while funkes jase and cashin rode bikes they had found. All our christmas' had come at once. A lot of fun was had and good stuff been found and is now in use at the unspecified location in Chelt. Why destroy usable goods? haha If anyone heard a massive rumble going down the street around midnight saturday it was probably only a shopping trolly full of hard rubbish goods.
Funny night! argh.
Anyways will get round to calling ya mate. Was gonna do it from Funkes Saturday but I forgot they dont have a land line! argh.
Anyways hope your cruising along and havin fun.
Take care.
hahaha to the box girl....'and for everyhting else theres mastercard'...isn't that the add? Looks like youre having fun in the sun! Enjoy the warm water in Miami while you have it. Victorian waters are nice but I dont think as hospitable in temp! a bientot!
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