Saturday, December 10, 2005

Thanks Fielding, you F#ck!

This is exactly why you don't elect one party into a majority position in both houses of parliament.

The only effective Senate in Australia is one which is balanced by the left and right, with independents and minority parties making up the middle ground. In a situation like this, we hear useful debate on major issues before they are voted on. Having a hung parliament which can only be broken by independents and the minority parties means that even if a bad decision results, at least it was debated properly.

The current Senate is useless.... Everyone votes along party lines to the detriment of the public. This is not how a representative parliament is supposed to work. It is ridiculous when 1 person out of an entire chamber crosses the floor to vote with his/her conscience. 1 person. 1 person out of 76 elected officials decided that their party's policy was a bad idea and crossed the floor. What is the point of this? If you are in the minority you might as well not bother turning up to work!

And as for Steve Fielding of the Family First party. I fail to see how cutting universities ability to provide services for their students is going to benefit families. You had the power to do something useful with your position in the Senate (which you only got from preferences) but you wasted it.
I am not upset because of the impact on me, I couldn't care less cos I only have 1 more year at university and I have already benefited immensely from the services that my University has been able to provide with my compulsory contributions. I have had the security of knowing that literally hundreds of services (financial aid, counselling, tutoring, job search help, clubs and societies, and one of the best school newspapers in the country) to name just a few, are available to me. My anger is that people coming out of high school will be denied the same wonderful experience that I have had at my University. I cannot imagine how dry my Uni life would have been without this added colour. Even over here in the States, the home of user-pays, universities still charge fees in order to provide and subsidise activities. This sort of stuff is what makes University such a wonderful and diverse place to be. These services can not be provided with a user pays system....

-Lot's Wife (school newspaper) is a much loved Monash institution, but even it would struggle to survive if they had to charge readers.
-The benefit of counselling is knowing you can turn up whenever you like and see someone for free. If people don't feel like they can just pop in for a visit, they wont.
-Clubs and Societies (the places that add the most vibrancy to the campus) will have to increase their fees to a point where everyone will turn away from them and just turn up to university to go to class and then go home.

The thing which makes me most angry is the Government saying on one hand that they are trying to save us poor students from paying the fee ($441.20 this year), while on the other changing the acronym for HECS to CSP to allow them to decrease funding to universities so that the universities cop all the criticism for raising their fees. This change to the legislation meant that I paid around $1000 more for my studies this year compared to last year. So hip-hooray for the government, thanks to them I am now around $550 worse off per year AND I now have no services from the university! GREAT! Thanks Mr Howard!

I'm sorry to use this as a forum, but I have not been this angry with our representatives since they decided to screw up Iraq.


BonjourCara said...

I am so disappointed I cannot express it! I am horrified at what the governement is doing to our university system and I want to know why everyone is sitting on their ass!!!! Laszy buggers! GET UP AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Current uni students need to protest to protect themselves and future students. Parents should be protesting on behalf of their children. Furture parents too. If your child isn't in uni he/she will be eventually and good luck! Anyone who has a degree should be you remeber going to uni and the environment!?! The French would never take this kind of crap! They pay like $100 Euros a year to go to uni! And if the government came up with some sorts utter rubbish like they have in Australia it wouldn't get very far believe me! However, the French don't have very many clubs and societys becasue it's not their thing here they have lots of free faclities like gym and sports but not clubs. SO the students are a little disconnected and the atmosphere is not the same. I DO NOT WANT THIS IN AUSTRALIA! Today we start to mourn for the uni system in Aust and welcome in a new era....more like America where we have to pay out the nose and thanks to the new CSP scheme. Let's watch the rich get smarter and the poor get poorer and locked into poverty! Well done Australia!

Anonymous said...

i find this hard to believe. first melbourne uni adopts a GAY american style system (and almost ALL americans i meet in japan say the american system is shite.... i know the ins and outs quite well by now), and NOW australian government belives that puling the rug out from under high school students feet will be a great thing to do. RAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE EDUCATIING THE FUTURE OF AUSTRALIA PROPERLY!!!! LETS FARK EVERYTHING UP!!!! i share you opinion and your anger dude. its bloody stupid.

on the other hand, its getting cold. we should have a chat soon about your plans for coming here :)

Anonymous said...

Gday Dave,
I think your wrong, wrong, wrong! :P Firstly we dont need a minoritys making up the balance because then the power is still in a few peoples hands - the independents and minor parties. What we need is a 3 party system instead of the 2 very similar major parties we have currently.
As for student unionism, you can still have it - your just choosing if you want it or not. Personally I think half what the student union was for died when everything was privatized. When my older brother went to Clayton he paid about $55 a year for gym membership since it was subsidized. Now the gym costs about $45 a month, the same as most other gyms that are not subsidized since the company can make the most profits that way. Food on campus is in a similar situation except there they have a total monopoly.
As for increased fees, they suck but whats worse is the quality of my education. Who is BIOS!?

Mr David said...

Hey! Good point Ian, we can absolutely elect to pay the fees if we wish. Problem is that no-one will!!

Also, you can't complain about the quality of education in Australia! Particularly compared to where I'm 'studying' at the moment!