Sunday, March 05, 2006


Last week on 60 minutes there was a story on the live export industry for cattle. It was probably a good thing that I missed it, as they showed footage from inside an Egyptian slaughterhouse of terrible cruelty. What I did see was this weeks reply from Cameron Hall, CEO of Livecorp, the Australian company responsible for selling these cattle. He basically went on the front foot, accusing animal welfare groups of trying to halt animal farming!?!?!? Luckily most people are not like Hall, and most were deeply disturbed by the images shown.

I went to their website to check it out..... haven't they got such a nice friendly logo??

Now, I know life must suck when the company you control makes its money from death and destruction but don't you dare belittle welfare groups who in most cases are run by individuals who don't get paid for their work.
On current prices for cattle, a cow the size of Cameron Hall (assuming he's a lard arse, which is likely) would be worth around $42.
I heard recently that a study attempting to find the value of a human life found that we valued our own lives at around $3million. An interesting disparity?

1 comment:

BonjourCara said...

$42 vs. 3 million huh! Nice rant. Here here mon!