Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I didn't get the job at Holden! But I'm happy cos cousin Ellen got one! Go Tidy/Boyles! :)

I'm not too disappointed cos I know I had an ordinary interview and I have other career paths I would like to pursue. Namely renewable energy or jet engine design.... two extremely different paths I know! Renewable energy has my vote at the moment because jet engines would force me to leave the country, whereas renewables gives me a choice and prob means lots of cruising around country Australia looking for places to upset locals and local orange bellied parrot populations.


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that you didn't get the job at holden, but its good to see you're not too upset. renewable energy sounds like a much better idea anyway! maybe you could invent a flux-capacator and put it on a dalorian?!?!

Mr David said...

haha sounds like a sweet idea! Now to find a delorian! hmmm

BonjourCara said...

hey....i didnt hear about this one? what the...whats going on?