Monday, July 31, 2006

Noticed yesterday while I was at work that you can now buy instant mashed potato. MASHED POTATO!! The very same mashed potato that your mother cooks by simply cooking potato, adding a little butter and milk and MASHING!

Consumerism has really been taken to a whole new level...........

And while I was tidying (haha) the tissue aisle, I came across toilet paper with 'added lavender scent'

you've got to be kidding


Anonymous said...

Yeah instant mashed potato has been around since my parents were kids! its called DEB and aparently tastes a bit like cardboard...and if you don't eat it straight away, it almost becomes cardboard.

Mr David said...

LOL!!! I guess you don't have to clean the masher which is a good thing....

The potato always gets in the little squares and it's hard to get out! :(