Apologies to 'pak 'n' save' in NZ, this is my new favourite store.... and why wouldn't it be when I can buy a slab of Stella Artois for $21!!!

Mayo anyone? Becc's got 4 litres if you need any!! I want to know how anyone can eat 4 litres of Mayo before it goes off!?!??!?!?


Irish coffee in Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco.... (warm whiskey with cream on top) good for warming you up in the freezing winds.

Otter at Monterey Bay Aquarium!!

Starbucks for breakfast.... you gotta be kidding me... there was so much sugar in it, it was more dessert than it was breaky!

THANK YOU! I ALMOST FORGOT TO TAKE OXYGEN WITH ME TO SPACE! It's only hazardous.... you might not die.

Riding a Segway at Tech museum! very fun thing to ride after you get the hang of it!

Here's me at the Tech museum in San Jose being a big fat nerd implanting a glowing gene into bacteria!! ooooh
Ohhhhh! You look like a big nerd in those glasses and lab coat! Tisk tisk where are your gloves....that's it...'you are fired!' If you start glowing call me! One thing to remember in the USA is ALL meals are desert! Just think, 'What would Cara eat!'
And mayo never goes off! It will be good for the next 200 years and could be used to preserve specimens I'm sure! Cara =)
P.S. Have a good flight and be safe! Goodnight!
HAHA Those goggles and coat, you look like a natural geek :P
Dave with a coffee?? where is the beer! geeze I dunno and at fisher mans warf STILL NO BEER!
Gotta love massive mayo, BUT I recommend to all to try Paul Newmans Ranch sauce AWESOME stuff.
Happy traveling!
P.s. Show us ya otter! :D
pic worked a treat thanks dave! :)
cool pics dave.
just wondering if becc realizes that she is now identical to her mum?!
Hey mate how are ya? Looks like youre having a ball. Glad you found a costco, you cant go past a slab of corona for $21! not to mention they also have 36cans of miller for $18, but be warned.... american beer will make you fat!!! trust me :-)
Have loads of fun mate, speak to you soon
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