Me and my buddy the Oasis 21 mascot. Me and Drew were on japanese tv!!!! We went into downtown Nagoya to check out the sites and stumbled across a heap of mascots wandering around so we went for a closer look..... Turns out they were being filmed by some tv station and they approached us and started interviewing us in English, but Drew responded cleverly in Japanese. This made the hosts very happy and they exclaimed to the camera that they could speak to us in Japanese and I was like "ummmm no!" So they started having a conversation about the mascots in Japanese while I looked uncomfortable at being on tv...... poor old Drew did a great job under pressure and managed to translate for me so that when they shoved a microphone under my nose after asking a question I had no idea about I was able to answer by pointing at my favourite mascot!
After this they got us to do a mini-spot for one of their ad's or something where we had to say Yurui! as the camera zoomed in on us..... we found out afterwards that Yurui means loose in Japanese!!! lol I don't understand!

Drew was my official cameraperson and took this one of me in front of the Nagoya towers, Nagoya's tallest buildings.

Hiroshima. An amazing place, so so beautiful in spite of the terrible crime commited against them. It was a very emotional day visiting that town. On the right is one of the only buildings that survived the blast. The rest of the town was completely flattened. The Peace Musuem has photos of the day after and peoples wristwatches that are stopped at 8:15am and childrens school uniforms stained with blood. Everyone should come here in their lifetime.
Why are the Japanese turning blue??? Is it in the diet??? I rather be friends with the Postal Girl!!!
wow that looks awesome mate, and a big well done to drew for the excellent photography. MESSAGE ME SO I CAN CALL U 2!?!?!?!? ARGH :)
anyways im officially older today, bit overrated but pressies are always good haha.
take care!
ooooh its not really excellent photography because i didnt DESATURATE the images!!!! only people who went to the university of florida know how to do it!!!!!!! ...dave can explain it. its his blog :)
The bomb that destryed that city in the 1950's is 18 times LESS powerful than the nuclear warheads floating around our oceans on Russian and US submarines today.
Scarey! Makes ya think!
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