Me crawling through Buddha's belly button for happiness!

Japanese god in charge of love and his messenger bunny!!!

Crazy John's Japanese cousin!

Kiyomizudera Temple in Kyoto

Out the front of the Jishu shrine, you have to walk between these two rocks with your eyes closed to bring luck in love. After the second rock there is a flight of stairs! So I chose to walk in the other direction and managed to do it without major injury!

The Golden Pavillion (Kinkakuji Temple). This was an amazing sight!

The largest Buddha around! I would have been maybe as tall as one of his fingers!

The deer ate my map!!!!

Deers go electric sometimes!

The japan post girl!!!! :)

In the Umeda district of Osaka, this is the crazy building.... see the escalators on the outside of the bulding!

Osaka castle! Complete with lift!

Cara and I at the old Roman amphitheatre near the Fouviere in Lyon.

Cara and I at the top of the hill where the Fouviere is.

The Fouviere!
Thanks for the photos!!! The big buddah is impressive. Please! Please" wrap up the Post Girl and have her sent to me ASAP!!!
Bit late you say??? hahaha u doofus it is on the 27th mate. I understand you are all over the shop at the minute so its all good. I will accept in advance anyways. THANKS! will have a couple HUNDRED ales for you on friday (my bday) :P
Cant wait till ya get back mate!
Im glad you aren't like me (thick set/chunky/solid/too frickin big to fit in the budda's belly button) could be tricky if u got stuck! haha
haha crazy japo john!
Looks beautiful over there, fantastic sites!!! amazing sky scraper!!! did u spear the dear to retrieve the rest of your map or were u afraid it might electricute u ??(bad spelling argh) haha, thats a seriously big budda!
Lyon looks awesome too! argh bit jealous to be honest mate!
BTW hows cara????
Aight gotta run when you seeing Drew coz I can call you two together, get him to sms me or somthing!
Take care mate.
haha dave i am fully writing this on my psp while u r asleep on my couch! and i am fully saying fully too much tonite! looking forward to more whacky exploits together, though i doubt nothing will beat our brush with japanese televisual fame like today! ...drew
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