Monday, March 06, 2006

I'm happy to say I am working with my favourite lecturer at school this year for my final year project which has a fantastically exciting name...... "Investigation of flow fields around bluff bodies"

I'm sure all of you are terribly excited about that!

And there is a random picture of the lead singer from Bloc Party


BonjourCara said...
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BonjourCara said...

Bluff bodies hey....Do you have a bluff body?....Are you bluff? Bluff it!....Bluff it up...Bluff off! I feel like a good bluff right now! Bluff me...bluff me again! Make my bluff. You bluffer! I like this new word....we shall use it all the time form henceforth! Congrats ur working with new lecturer. I am happy ur happy! I still think Bloc Party is the Canadian Quebecois Party! (See they do exsit: had to delete the other one cos I made a spelling mistake! :/