Wednesday, March 29, 2006

For the minister

what use is economic growth when the seas are rising to engulf you?

our economy needs endless growth apparently... like a virus...except this virus is killing its host

~Thom Yorke

Friday, March 17, 2006

Monday, March 13, 2006

Travelling Aussie Style

An Andrew Funke in his natural habitat

Andrew Funkes are fascinated by fire

The moon lighting up the farmland

Jayan and I enjoying Australian beverages

What else would you do with an inflatable boat?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006

I'm happy to say I am working with my favourite lecturer at school this year for my final year project which has a fantastically exciting name...... "Investigation of flow fields around bluff bodies"

I'm sure all of you are terribly excited about that!

And there is a random picture of the lead singer from Bloc Party

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Last week on 60 minutes there was a story on the live export industry for cattle. It was probably a good thing that I missed it, as they showed footage from inside an Egyptian slaughterhouse of terrible cruelty. What I did see was this weeks reply from Cameron Hall, CEO of Livecorp, the Australian company responsible for selling these cattle. He basically went on the front foot, accusing animal welfare groups of trying to halt animal farming!?!?!? Luckily most people are not like Hall, and most were deeply disturbed by the images shown.

I went to their website to check it out..... haven't they got such a nice friendly logo??

Now, I know life must suck when the company you control makes its money from death and destruction but don't you dare belittle welfare groups who in most cases are run by individuals who don't get paid for their work.
On current prices for cattle, a cow the size of Cameron Hall (assuming he's a lard arse, which is likely) would be worth around $42.
I heard recently that a study attempting to find the value of a human life found that we valued our own lives at around $3million. An interesting disparity?

la laaa laa

I've been slack and haven't taken any photos in Melbourne since I got back, so these are photos from a while ago but it's pretty much what I've been doing.
Driving to Nathan's place to be silly in the pool and going to uni!

Monash University

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hello again!

I want to keep up the blog but what do I write? random thoughts I guess......

What's Hot:
Costco - What a great idea for people with an extra house to put their groceries in! I love this store... it's almost as good as Pak-n-Save in New Zealand. You can get everything here in bulk, and I do mean bulk! The nacho chips I bought there way back at the start of my trip were $3 or so and lasted a week of intense eating! We found gallon (4 litre) containers of Mayo!!! lol

Transit - NY subway system has to be one of the best in the world. $1.25 when you enter a station and you can go wherever you want, change lines, do whatever. DC's is good as well, you put your ticket in at the departing station and take it out at the arrival station, it calculates the fare and takes it off your 'smartcard'.

Numbered Streets - While slightly boring, the system of numbering streets makes it so easy to get around. It is pretty hard to ever get lost in New York City!

What's Not:
High Fructose Corn Syrup - It's in EVERYTHING!

Pizza - Yes I want to pay $12 for a pizza that only has cheese on it. And yes I am happy to pay 1.50 per topping!!! You've got to be kidding. Also the pizza is rubbish anyway.... the US needs a major influx of Italians.... or Australians.

Big Cars - If the US needed to mobilise it's citizens for an all out countryside attack on another country it could easily do it without having to supply them with big trucks. Everyone here drives military size vehicles. What global warming problem? Our European friends would freak out. Suprisingly California was the worst exponent of this, a place which is supposed to be fairly sensitive to environmental issues. The 'big cars' we have in Australia look like matchbox cars compared to these things.

MTV - Yes lets have a music tv station that plays the same shit every single day!!! The TV equivelent of triple m