Monday, August 08, 2005

more pics!

Costco chips, $3.29 for 5lbs (2.5kg approx)

Golden gate bridge!

Cara and I at UC Berkeley, clocktower in background... We went up the top of it later in the week.


Anonymous said...


Now you have moved again can you give us a number where we can call you?


BonjourCara said...

Yeah you parents! Nice photos...I am green with envy....I want photos too! "And where does that leave me on a Fiday night with my high speed connection" lol

Anonymous said...

Now you have moved again can you.. please stop having so much fun! I've turned a little shade of green and its clashing something cruel with this red hair.
Ps.. please ship some petrol back for me, the bikes costing a fortune.. oh yeh and that huge packet of corn chips.. oh yeh, and the bridge.. send the bridge too.
Party hardy. :)

Cara's Mom & Pat said...

That Bag of chips is wider around than you are! Amazing!!!
So happy to know that you had a chance to see Cara's birthplace- the City of Santa Rosa. A great place to leave...:-)

Nice photo of you and the Golden Gate! There's nothing like the fog in San Fran in summer!

Glad to know you finally made ti to UCBerkeley. Did you get the T-shirt?
Love Jan

Anonymous said...

Hey dave...sounds like ur having fun! good work
but why are you wearing an England soccer shirt? The Australia flag shorts are perfect!

Anonymous said...

Seriously dave, end hunger in third world countries and ship them that giant pack of chips!! i could fit in that bag, hell we both could... (wink, wink, nudge nudge). Well now im just being stupid... no surprises there. hope ur having fun on ur trip, i'll send u a serious message eventually. cya