Tuesday, August 23, 2005

More pics!

UM! Tonight we are going to the President of the Uni's house to have a BBQ in her backyard! Apparently it is a big backyard because there is approximately 3000 people going!

My dorm!!! My roomate hasn't arrived yet, he should be here tonight.


BonjourCara said...

Sounds like you are having a whole lotta fun there Dave! The people at your hostel look really nice and the same at your hotel...lol...you posh thang! Can you please give me your contact details incase you already haven't sent them (doubtful..haha...teasing) to me becasue I don't know how to contact you when I get to LA! Cara=)

Anonymous said...

Oh thats a hotel alright! You spoilt little bugger.. Dont make me come over there dave! And partying every night.. you should be ashamed.
This blogger thing really helps me vent my anger in the mornings.
I see cara's still high as a kite, has she slept yet?
Seriously, we're all missing ya big fella. Cam cry's himself to sleep at nights. Shout out to Crawf.. I know your reading this mate.
Things over there look pretty cool, keep having fun and you take it easy.
I wanna hear all about the uni basketball and footy games when you go.
Catch ya.

Mr David said...


Shout out to Crawfs! Thanks to Cara for the teasing (actually I sent you all an email with my contacts details and they were posted on my blog! so nuuur!!!)
Hi Stu! Missing you mate! I will hook you up with photo's when I go to the footy! I got a photo with the mascot yesterday!

Mr David said...

The maids come and clean our room daily! hooray for us... and my roomate brought a fridge and a microwave!!!! yay!!